First of all, welcome to our brand new website! Its very easy to spend time and effort on other people’s sites, and forget all about your own. We realise this is a mistake, and have spent some time building what we think is a fresh new look with the beautiful WordPress CMS as the backend editor. Secondly, we tell all our clients that blogging is a great tool for their website, so we figured it was about time we climbed on that band wagon as well!
So first of all, Why Blog?
Blogging has many benefits for a business, and we’ll try and outline a few of them here.
Blogging helps drive traffic to your website

Sound good? It is!
The more people who visit your website, the more chances you have of making that sale. But it’s not all about sales, it’s also about brand recognition and spreading the word. But, again, why blog? Why can’t people just find you in other ways…like:
- Typing your name into Google
- Typing your services into Google
- Typing your website domain name (ie ours is into a browser
- Clicking on a link to your site from another website
- Clicking on a paid advertisement
And so forth…So let’s break it down.
Typing your name into Google
Well, they have to know about you first don’t they? How many people know your business name and would think to look for you directly? Probably not enough aye?
Typing your services into Google
If you have a well optimised website, then hopefully you will rank highly in searches when people do this.
This is a very important tool, but it also relies on the actual physical content of your website. How many pages does your website have? Probably not that many aye? And how often do you update those pages? Some pages like your “About Us” page are pretty hard to change regularly, so it can be hard having fresh, regularly updated content with just your standard website pages.
Typing your website domain name into a browser
That again requires that they know you, which probably isn’t enough people.
Clicking on a link to your site from another website
So long as the sites linking to you are high quality, then this is great. But how many relevant sites link to your site and are sending you tons of free, but useful traffic?
Click on a paid advertisement
This is another important tool used in online marketing, but it can be very expensive. Not everyone has a nice wad of money just sitting there to be spent on advertising.
Regular blogging can answers all these issues.
- Blogs are fresh new content that Google can index.
- Regular blogs indicate to search engines that they should crawl your site regularly
- Blogging can help you get found via social media as people can share your blog posts
Blogging establishes authority

If your blogs are about relevant topics with clear, useful information, then people will gain trust and respect for your business. Trust is a hugely important hurdle that websites need to overcome with their visitors, but that’s a topic for a whole other blog! Check out Moz Blog of – it’s the gateway to one of the largest and most established online marketing communities on the web.
3) It can Generate Leads
Once people are on your website, you can then use calls-to-action to create leads that could ultimately lead to conversions. How does this happen? Well, it might happen all by itself. For example, if you specialise in selling fuzzy pajamas, and maintain a great blog with useful posts all about the benefits of wearing fuzzy pajamas, then after reading your blog post, visitors may then click around your site, find your online store, see how great your fuzzy pajamas really are, and then buy some!
Another way of generating leads and conversions is to offer something free that users can use or download. They click on this offer which takes them to a form which requires them to fill out their details before they can obtain it. These details are then a solid lead that your sales team may be able to convert into sales. You can also add their email address to your mailing list and then send them special offers and information about other useful things to do with your website…just make sure you have made it clear to them that they are accepting that their email be added to your mailing list. Nobody appreciates uninvited spam, and you can do yourself more harm than good by spamming people’s inboxes with unwanted emails. Again, a topic for another post!
So, we’ve discussed that blogging can drive more traffic to your website. That blogging can establish authority for your website. And that blogging can help generate leads. And do you know what? There are plenty of other great advantages in having a blog…like improving your website SEO, improving your writing skills, building an online audience and so much more.
Overall, blogging is a great affordable option for any business to increase traffic, awareness and generate leads.

get in touch
Are you ready to smash some exciting goals? Or just need some help with your website, Google Ads or social media marketing? Let us know how we can help and we’ll be in touch.